Kasasa Cash Back® Checking
Earn Cash Back Rewards On Debit Card Purchases
Earn cash back rewards on debit card purchases with this free account! Plus, you’ll earn refunds on ATM withdrawal fees, nationwide.**
- Free checking that pays you back
- 3.00% cash back paid monthly on debit card purchases
- No category restrictions on purchases
- Cash back earned on up to $400 in purchases monthly
- Earn up to $144 cash back per year, $12 per month
- Refunds on ATM withdrawal fees, nationwide (up to $25 monthly, up to $4.99 per transaction)**
- Link to Kasasa Saver® to build savings automatically
- No minimum balance to earn rewards
- No monthly maintenance fees
- Free digital banking services including:
- Online banking with Bill Pay
- Free mobile banking
- Free eStatements
- Free Visa® debit card
- $50 minimum opening deposit
- $5 minimum deposit to open membership account
Qualifying is Easy
Enrollments must be in place and all of the following transactions and activities must post and settle to your Kasasa Cash Back account during each Monthly Qualification Cycle:
- At least 12 debit card purchases each with a minimum $5 purchase amount
- Be enrolled in and agree to receive eStatements
- Monthly Direct Deposit or ACH Transaction
It’s pretty simple, right? Don’t worry if you don’t meet your qualifications during the cycle, your Kasasa® accounts are still free. Plus, you’ll still earn our base interest rate on Kasasa Saver®. And you can get right back to earning your full rewards the very next month!
Questions? Click Here to Contact Us
*APY - Annual Percentage Yield.
**Transaction must be conducted within the Kasasa Cash® or Kasasa Cash Back® account to qualify for a refund.
Disclaimer: ASE Credit Union reserves the right to close or convert a Kasasa account if the member does not adhere to the spirit of the requirements of the account. Rates are subject to change without notice.